Vote for ETNA’s Community Kitchen
We have TWO pieces of brilliant news for users of the ETNA Community Centre.
Firstly, we have just received planning permission to extend the Centre to provide a new ‘Community Kitchen‘ and step-free access to the building.
So now all we need is the money to build it! And this is why our second piece of news is so welcome.
We have been selected as one of the 9 community projects allowed to bid for money from the Borough’s new Community Fund!
Over the last couple of years, you will have noticed quite of lot of improvements at ETNA. We have refurbished our main rooms, with new windows and a lick of paint, we have installed beautiful new toilets upstairs and down (including those for the disabled). We have also reconfigured the room layout upstairs increasing the amount of rooms to hire and the amount of office space we are able to offer to local charities, with 8 now based here!
ETNA’s Community Kitchen project will further improve the facilities for the local community by building a new extension, incorporating a kitchen and a café area. This will provide extra space for meetings, events and activities to be hosted for local residents. For example: cooking classes, community café, and lunch clubs. The project will also allow us to provide proper disability access to the front and rear of the building making ETNA truly accessible to all.
If you live or work in the borough, you have TWO VOTES, so please cast one of them for us!
AND tell all your friends and family to VOTE too…and their friends…and their friends (you get the idea!) There is no limit on the number of people voting per household. The more support we are able to demonstrate the higher our chances of success.