Rosslyn Nursery and Preschool
Rosslyn Nursery & Preschool for 2-4 year olds is run by established team of practitioners who provide a nurturing environment, where children learn through play which is key to providing a nurturing, safe place to flourish. This philosophy is underpinned by three interlocking core values: respect; exploration and confidence. The team believe respect is developed by learning to play together, by sharing, taking turns and understanding our differences.
A child’s confidence is nurtured through positive relationships between children and staff, and with their parents and carers. Each day there are a range of activities that offer a challenge within a safe and supporting environment. It’s the “having a go” that is celebrated.
The main aim is to equip each and every child for the next stage of their education.
Day begins at 09.05 and ends at 12.20 with lunch club available on Wednesday afternoons 12.20 – 15.00
Early starts available from 08.30
For more information please visit
Or call, 07310 293930