Being a mum can be the most rewarding yet exhausting experience…mentally and physically.  A restorative yoga class (non pregnant) combining aromatherapy and guided relaxation to encourage rest and restoration, within the body and mind, wherever you are at on your motherhood journey

This 65 minute session will give you some much needed and deserved space to reset and relax, leaving you feeling recharged and restored! DoTerra Aromatherapy is intertwined into our practice to enhance deep relaxation and calm.

The class itself will include gentle yet deep stretching, Yoga Nidra ( yogic sleep) and aromatherapy to induce total physical mental and emotional relaxation. An opportunity to connect, share and relax amongst like-minded women who understand exactly what you are going through.

Class which will be open to all levels of experience will be limited to a small number of ladies to ensure individual attention.

Turner Room.

For more information and to book contact Triona.

07734 958848